Watch the video to learn out more about the incredibly positive impact that OA Leaders have on incoming freshmen and how much OA Leaders learn and grow from being part of the program.
- Why Being an OA Leader is so valuable - leaders reflect on their experience
- Did you have a great time of your Orientation Trip?
- Want to be an OA Leader next year & help new and transfer students have a great start?
- Want to meet new people?
- Do you enjoy the outdoors?
- Want to learn new skills?
Leader Training is a great way to meet people while you support new leaders in their training and leading an OA Trip. We are looking for motivated students, graduate students and faculty or staff to become leaders for the Orientation Trip at the start of each fall semester. Don’t consider yourself outdoorsy? Outdoor Action will teach you the skills you need to be competent in the outdoors. Our priorities are to find people who are excited about working with others and learning and teaching new skills, and who bring a diversity of experiences and backgrounds to the program. The more our leaders represent the Princeton campus, the more accurate an impression the incoming students will receive. The Outdoor Action Leader Training program is recognized across the country as one of the most comprehensive college outdoor leadership programs. Once you complete all of the requirements this year, you are eligible to apply to lead an Orientation Trip in the fall!
- Completed all Leader Training Requirements and has participated in a Leader Training Trip (LTT)
- Led at least two multi-day overnight trips
- Two overnight OA trips (Orientation Basecamp or Backcountry Trips, or other multi-day trips like a fall break overnight trip)
- OR
- One overnight OA trip (Orientation Basecamp or Backcountry Trips, or other multi-day trips like a fall break overnight trip) AND one multi-day overnight trip that is comparable (e.g. a backcountry or basecamp trip as part of a summer camp or other program)
- Two overnight OA trips (Orientation Basecamp or Backcountry Trips, or other multi-day trips like a fall break overnight trip)
Leader Trainer Application Process
If you are interested in becoming an OA Leader Trainer, please read this page carefully so you understand the application process and our expectations for all applicants. We encourage all OA Leaders to continue to develop their leadership skills, and becoming a Leader Trainer is a great way to do that. We do expect that leaders will take this application process as seriously as we do. Leader Trainers carry the tremendous responsibility of training Princeton students to lead groups in a backcountry setting. A Leader Trainer applicant should be comfortable in an (outdoor) group leadership role and ready to take on the next level of leadership: teaching and mentoring others in how to lead.
You should approach the Leader Trainer Application Process like a professional job interview. There is a search committee made up of all the current Leader Trainers and the OA Director and Program Coordinator. The search committee reviews all of the candidates. The final selection is made by the OA Director with input from the search committee. The application process consists of three stages:
- Written Application - reviewed by the entire search committee
- Interview with Leader Training committee - each candidate has an interview with a group of 2-3 Leader Trainers
- Interview with Director or Program Coordinator - individual interview with one of the OA professional staff
Candidates are reviewed by the search committee and the OA professional staff at each stage of the process. At each stage of the process the OA Director makes the decision about whether a candidate is ready to move onto the next stage in the process. At the end of the entire process, the committee submits all of their material to the OA Director, who makes the final selection. There is no specific number of Leader Trainers selected each year. On average 40-60% of the total applicants are accepted as Leader Trainers.
Becoming a Leader Trainer requires a significant commitment to OA throughout the year with weekly meetings and the expectation of leading LTTs in May after finals, as well as possibly Wintersession or Spring Break LTTs.
Written Applications are due by Sunday, October 27th, 2024.
Applicants: If you apply, you must be available be able to fully participate in Leader Training Committee meetings and events throughout the semester. If your current situation would prevent you from doing that, then you should wait to apply.
If you have questions feel free to contact any of the current Leader Trainers, Candace Brendler, the OA Program Coordinator or Rick Curtis, the OA Director:
2024-25 Leader Trainer Committee
Maddie Bland GS
Mito Mritunjay GS
Quinn Haverstick 2025
Anna Johns 2025
Sophie Leheny 2025
Zoë Mermin 2025
Anna Neznamova 2025
Emily Paulin 2025
Ruby Platt 2025
Aaron Serianni 2025
Jello Zhou 2025
Natalia Espinosa Dice 2026
Eden Michael 2026
Madeleine Murnick 2026
Hugh Peterson 2026
Colten Rodriguez 2026
Sanjana Venkatesh 2026
Paige Walworth 2026
Application Criteria
In addition to completing all of the standard leader training requirements, applicants must be a currently enrolled student and have led at least two multi-day overnight trips. If you have additional experience leading outdoor trips outside of OA, you can also include that in your written application. Experiences like leading multi-day backcountry trips with 15-year-olds in a summer camp program would be an equivalent experience, while going on a family camping trip would not.
To provide a clearer sense of the qualifications we are seeking in applicants, we have identified four major skill sets which someone applying to be a leader trainer should possess:
1. Teaching Ability
Excellent teaching skills are necessary in order to facilitate leadership workshops and to help LTT participants grow as leaders. Leader Trainers are expected to take their teaching commitments seriously and should demonstrate the following qualities: proficiency in subject matter (knots, stoves, LNT, etc.), competence in assessing trainees' comprehension, the ability to recognize and capitalize upon teachable moments, creativity in teaching style, and patience.
2. Ability to Evaluate & Give Feedback
We expect Leader Trainers to have the capacity to evaluate and provide feedback to their trainees. To this end, applicants must be comfortable evaluating their peers, and possess excellent observational and debriefing skills. We expect LTs to identify strengths and weaknesses in their trainees, provide a tailored environment for trainees to work on these identified areas, and effectively communicate feedback to them. We also expect a willingness to work closely with co-leader trainers to accomplish these goals.
3. Leadership & Debriefing Skills
Leader Trainers must be able to role model effective leadership both through their own style and by demonstrating collaborative leadership with co-leaders. Debriefing is a primary tool that leader trainers employ to help trainees reflect and develop their own leadership styles, particularly on the LTT. Leader Trainers are expected to have solid debriefing skills, among which are active listening, an ability to ask probing questions, moderating skills, thoughtfulness, and an ability to identify and utilize teachable moments. A strong candidate possesses the necessary qualities to debrief well and an eagerness to consciously improve upon them.
4. Technical Skills
Technical wilderness skills are fundamental to all aspects of OA trips. Technical skills include tarping and bear bagging; stove use and repair; first aid; pack care, fitting and repair; respect for the principles of LNT, etc.. Because we expect all OA leaders to possess baseline technical competency, we expect LTs to display expertise in all OA related technical skills to the point that they can can effectively teach these skills to trainees with comfort and ease.
Leader Trainer Application Process
Applying to be an OA leader trainer is a multi-stage process designed to comprehensively evaluate leader training candidates. Please be aware that each stage, including the written application, is a selective process.
Stage 1 - Written Application
The first step is a written application which consists of questions about outdoor experience and training, a self-evaluation portion, and an essay section. The application will be reviewed by the OA Director and Program Coordinator to determine whether an applicant has the requisite experience to become a leader trainer, as well as assessing for thoroughness and reflectiveness. If an applicant proceeds to Stage 2, their application will be read by current Leader Trainers as well.
What we expect: We expect a thorough and thoughtful application that both is an assessment of your skills and demonstrates thoughtful self-reflection on your previous leadership experiences (both within and outside of OA) and expresses your leadership style. This is an opportunity for you to share with the committee important aspects of your experience and philosophy. Length should be 150-350 words per question. Please provide specific examples drawn from your primary leadership experiences and use them to reflect on your leadership philosophy.
Stage 2 - Leader Training Committee Interview
The Leader Trainer interview is an hour-long interview designed to solicit more information about general leadership skills and experience, interpersonal skills, debriefing and evaluating abilities, and other skills and abilities that are related to the role of a Leader Trainer.
What we expect: The interview is a chance to learn more about your specific leadership style, how you have handled different interpersonal situations and your debriefing skills. We will also ask some hypothetical questions relating to different scenarios that Leader Trainers might encounter. While there is no specific way to prepare, we expect that you will be thoughtful and reflective about your leadership.
Stage 3 - Interview with OA Director or Program Coordinator
The final interview with the OA Director or Program Coordinator is similar to the interview with the Leader Training Committee.
The OA Director reviews all of the information gathered on each candidate. The final selection is made by the OA Director.
Questions and Contact Information
If you have any questions concerning requisite criteria or qualifications, the application process, or any facet of being or becoming a leader trainer, please contact Candace Brendler.
Requirements of Leader Trainers
Leader Trainers play an essential role in the organizational structure of the Outdoor Action Program. Those who are accepted to become Leader Trainers are role models for all leaders within Outdoor Action and students at large on the campus. That means that the role and responsibilities of a Leader Trainer extend beyond activities within the OA Program.
Regular Responsibilities
Weekly Meetings: Leader Trainers meet weekly 1-2 hours per week.
Leadership Workshops: Leader Trainers help facilitate Leadership 101 & 102 Workshops each semester (including during Breaks)
Leader Training Trip: Leader Trainers are required to lead at least one Leader Training Trip each year (either Wintersession or after final exams in May). We expect all new LTs to prioritize OA availability during "Dead Week" after finals in May.
Leader Trainer Retreat: There are 1-2 Leader Trainer Retreats each semester which are required. These are typically 5–8 hour events aimed and expanding teaching and other skills.
Leader Trainer Interviews: Leader Trainers are involved in the interview and selection process for new Leader Trainers. This is in addition to weekly meetings and includes reviewing written applications, interviewing applicants, and meetings to review and discuss applicants.
Other Responsibilities: Leader Trainers are periodically called upon for other duties that support the growth of the OA Program.